Start A Business Cleaning Foreclosures
As Seen on Oprah Cnn Nbc 60 Minutes Start a Business Cleaning and Maintaining Foreclosures
New Item :Property Preservation Test Answers are Included in My Manual !
Breaking News :
Happy days for me again! But those days never went away and it is only getting better!!
Make Money Cleaning and Maintaining Foreclosures
Learn the Secrets that the other Trash Out companies do not know !
My manual is a Low Cost ( Cut right to the Chase )Information Manual
Earn at least $500.00 a Day
This is for Real and I am for Real I have been selling my Manual for over 1 year and I have helped many people start their own Successful Trash Out Company.
This is the Original Web Site of Cleaning Foreclosures!!
Do not be fooled by any other web sites that are trying to copy my site.Learn from an expert in this field. This is my expertise!! I did not have to reengineer myself! The one thing in this world that I know about is the Foreclosure Cleaning Business.
The time to start this business is NOW!Do not let this opportunity pass you by. DO NOT HESITATE THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY.My package has all the information you need to start this business right now!
I have good news for everyone that wanted to get into this business and thought it was to late. The banks are getting ready to flood the market once again with their foreclosed homes and drive the prices of existing homes even lower. That means foreclosures will be around for many years to come. Right now is the perfect time to get into this business. The year 2025 will be bussier than the last 2 years and that means that the banks need more people to clean out their homes. GET READY!!! TO MAKE SOME $$$$$$$$$$
Information in my Manual
Item 1
How to optain the proper insurance for your State
Value (Priceless)
Item 2
What Licenses you will need
Information Is For Each State
Value ( Priceless )
Item 3
How to Find Work
My Manual gives Direct Contacts for Work (In Your Area)
Value (Priceless)
Item 4
Bid and Invoice forms
The Secret to Win Bids (Value) Priceless
Item 5
How to Start This Business With No Money!
Value Priceless!
All the information you need to start a
business Cleaning Foreclosures!!
Package includes:
Complete CD manual , Printable forms
And our Agent extra Bonus!!
Only $120
Save $70 now
Start Today do Not Wait!
Order your package today to Set your Business up for all the New Foreclosures that are going to hit the market in 2025 . In the first 3 days of 2025 I already have done OVER $6300 WORTH OF BUSINESS and have $9800 in approved work. I also had to turn down work because I have been way too busy. Do not wait The Time To Start is NOW!!
This is a recession proof business. As the economy crashes and unemployment continues to rise.
My Business Booms!!
Question? Since the President has unveiled his plan to assist with foreclosures; do you think that companies and banks will still need this type of service?
Answer: Definitely. The presidents plan is not going to help that many people. Most people are upside down with their homes. No bank will refinance a home that people owe more money on it than it is worth.Most people are in foreclosure already and banks will not lend money to people with bad credit. The plan only applies to Fannie and Freddie loans and not to investment properties.
Now available e-book Instant Download
Do you want to start right now!!
Buy it now!
Only $49.95
New Low Price for a Limited Time Only!
(Download and Print Out the E -Book)
( Now you can Print Out Invoice and Bid Forms)
Are you serious about starting this business?
If you are serious
Now is the time!!
My package contains a list of the biggest Banks and Agents that need your service. My package also contains direct contact information to these companies to start your business. Make Money Now! Do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Earn $75,000 - $125,000 a year part time
I own a business cleaning foreclosures in the state of Florida and I have been cleaning out foreclosed properties for the last 5 years.Cleaning Foreclosures is a Worldwide Business. This is my full time employment.If you really want to get into this business learn from someone that knows the business inside and out.Beware of any web sites that are charging a lot of money for their information.Those sites are just going to clean out your pockets. My package will give you the information you need to get started cleaning foreclosures. Do not get cleaned out before you even start to make money!! My package is a low cost "Cut right to the Chase" information packet. I will include a list of nationwide asset companies that you can contact directly.If you buy my package you can easily earn $75,000 a year.Now is the time to start trashing out homes to make big money. There is so much work in this field , that I turn down work every week in my area. Start now for financial independence.
Extra bonus offer!
The agents on my list have contacted me looking for people in their area to clean out their foreclosed properties! MY OWN PERSONAL LIST. My agent contacts are not from some online search!
Do you want to start cleaning foreclosures right away?Now you can.
I will personally give you contact information for 2 agents by email that have foreclosure listings right near your zip code.Also included is our agent contact form. I will also give you contact information for 1 asset company in your area that you can contact for work. Take advantage of this offer and Start Right Away!
Click Buy Now Below For The CD with the Bonus Offer
Agent Connection
Agents all over the country are contacting me and asking me if I know of anyone in their area that cleans foreclosures.The answer I give them is YES. Every time someone purchases my package their information is saved in our database. Once I have a match I will give your information to the agent to contact you for work. This Service is FREE of charge.
Question from a potential customer
Question:Your packet cost is 10% of your competition is . How does it stack up to theirs?
Answer: I think my packet contains just as much contact information for work as my competitors.The only reasons I can think as to why they are charging an insane amount of money for there information is ad's they are running and lack of experience in this business. I saw their ad in a magazine and I went to run the ad but it cost over $6000 for 1 ad that is way too much.I am keeping my package low so someone can get the basic information they need to start there own business. No cd's no 180 page plus . My packet is a few pages with the important information you really need to get started!!
Make Big Money Now
The average home
that my company services brings in at least $2500 and we service at least 50 homes per year !!
My package is (Cut to the Chase) so you can make money quick!!
This is a Business Opportunity not a scheme
Agents and Vendors Start Working Today!
If you already have a business in place and just need contacts for work. Just click here for application forms from THE BIGGEST ASSET COMPANIES IN THE BUSINESS . These asset companies are looking for Vendors and Brokers RIGHT NOW Nationwide. Once you make your purchase an e-mail will be sent out with your login I.D and password . Login and start working today!!
WORK Guaranteed!!
Be the first to get my package!
Option 1
Now available ebook instant download!
Only $49.95
Don't forget about our Extra Bonus!